CPES Schoolwide Behavior Plan
College Park Elementary School
School-Wide Behavior Plan
School Name: College Park Elementary
Year 1 (2022-2023)
Year 2 (2023-2024)
Through teamwork and collaboration, the staff at College Park Elementary School will build a sense of community that is committed to creating an environment of excellence where all students can achieve success academically, socially, and behaviorally.
Vision: Creating an Environment of Excellence
Core Values: To fulfill our mission, the faculty and staff of College Park Elementary School have set the following beliefs:
- We value all stakeholders (students, teachers, families and community members) as learners.
- We value high expectations for all learners.
- We value a safe learning environment for all of our diverse learners.
O – Own your actions
W – Work to success
L – Lead with kindness
S – Show respect
STOIC Guidelines
S Structure for success
T Teach expectations
O Observe and monitor
I Interact positively
C Correct fluently
Playground: We have had 6 reported major incidents and 10 minor incidents on the playground which is our highest common area of incidents. These incidents all have to do with aggressive or inappropriate behavior.
Structure: Is the area or policy structured and organized in a way that prompts behavioral success? Yes, however recess is unstructured play in which students are given the opportunity to play with students who may not be in their own class. In addition, they are selecting activities in which they need to apply social skills learned in the classroom to communicate and collaborate.
Teach expectations: Are the expectations for student and staff behavior in that setting or with that policy clear and explicit? Have those expectations been explicitly taught to students and staff? Are the expectations reviewed with students and staff on a reasonably regular basis? Recess expectations are reviewed with students, including as a component of our OWLS rules.
Observe and monitor: Is supervision adequate in terms of proximity management and visual scanning? Do you ensure that behavioral data for the setting or policy are collected and analyzed regularly? Yes. Teachers are assigned to difference areas of the playground. In addition, more staff were added to the playground this year as a proactive measure. Our Expectations for Excellence committee meets to review data and inform appropriate interventions.
Interact positively: Do supervisors interact frequently and positively with students? Do they provide at least three times more positive than corrective interactions with students? Yes. Many staff are visible with students. For example, walking with a group on the track. These interactions help to deter negative interactions amongst students.
Correct fluently: Do supervisors respond briefly, calmly, consistently, respectfully, and as privately as possible? Do they provide instruction with their corrections? Yes – students are often asked to sit in a calming area until they have deescalated. Teachers and staff provide students with alternatives to actions.
2. Admin
Write an example: Identify a teacher (but don’t use real teacher names) who is having difficulty with behavior management and discipline. Think about the STOIC variables and apply them to this teacher and his or her classroom. Teachers should consider the following questions when creating, evaluating, or revising their classroom management policies and procedures (the principal should also consider these variables when evaluating teachers’ classroom management):
Structure: At the beginning of the school year, a beginning teacher was struggling with classroom management in the special areas classroom. The teacher was provided with a way to provide management procedures to allow the students to earn an OWL for their community classroom goals.
Teach expectations: The teacher focused on voice level and following directions. Students could earn point for each of these areas and the teacher would earn a point if the students needed several redirections. The teacher reviewed the expectations for each of the classes and began the implementation of the program.
Observe and monitor: Administrators observe for classroom management during informal walkthroughs and formal observations. BT Mentors are an additional resource for the BTs. In addition, the teacher is able to track the number of OWLS that are earned each week to monitor progress.
Interact positively: Modeling for the teacher is another important tool for success. Being able to observe other classrooms is also helpful for BTs.
Correct fluently: Conversations regarding what is working and not working are held in non-evaluative settings. This allows the teachers to receive additional feedback.
Schoolwide and Tier 2 Reinforcement Systems
Acknowledgment - Shoutouts; Staff Attention, Check In/Check Out (CICO)
Recognition - Shoutouts, Quarterly Recognition, OWL Patrol
Attention - Shoutouts, Positive communication with parents, CICO
Belonging - Morning Meetings, Greetings in AM, CICO, Monthly Family Engagement Nights, Student Ambassadors
Purpose - Learning Targets, Morning Meetings, Goal Setting
Competence - AIG Nurturing, Honor Roll, Incentive charts, Science Olympiad
Nurturing - Lunch Bunch, Morning Meeting, Staff Attention, Leadership Opportunities, Break Cards, Community Partnerships
Stimulation and change - Cooperative Learning, Movement breaks, Social Stories, SEL Town Halls
Ratios of Positive Interactions
Rationale for use of high RPI. - When adults pay more attention to positive student behavior than to misbehavior, students’ motivation to behave responsibly can increase
Definitions of positive interactions (contingent and noncontingent) and corrective interactions.
OWL Expectations (being revised for 22-23 SY)
Discipline with dignity and respect
Shout outs; positive conversations with students and parents
Expectations for the RPI that staff should strive to maintain (3:1, for example).
Make positive phone calls, Send positive notes home, Quarterly Recognition
Expectations for how staff should monitor their RPI with data collection.
Keep track of positive interactions and shout outs for each student
General guidelines for how to deliver positive feedback and corrective feedback. Praise in Public, Correct in Private
Welcoming and Orienting New Students, Families, and Staff
Administration will be personalized letters to all incoming Kindergarten students, as well as all new students in each grade level, over the summer prior to the start of school. During the school year, student ambassadors welcome new students and orient them to school. Non-English speaking students are provided support through ML teacher and parents are provided support through school liaison. New families are also added to the weekly newsletter, which can be translated to any language. New staff are welcomed with shoutout in the weekly newsletter and provided with school swag, as well as new staff orientation.
Establishing and Working With a Behavior Leadership Team:
Behavior Leadership Team Organization Team name: Behavior Committee/Support Team (updated to reflect new team in 2022-2023)
Name |
Current School Position |
Team Role/Responsibility |
Who Does the Person Represent? |
Richard Kortan |
Assistant Principal |
Chair |
SIT/Administration |
Debbie Calvert |
Principal |
Team Member |
Administration |
Melissa Ritter |
MTSS Coordinator |
Team Member |
Devionne Dean |
Counselor |
Team Member |
Student Support |
Chuck Johnson |
5th Grade Teacher |
Team Member |
5th Grade |
Stephanie Gonzales |
4th Grade Teacher |
Team Member |
4th Grade |
Nicole Lombardi |
3rd Grade Teacher |
Team Member |
3rd Grade |
Sheila Rauen |
2nd Grade Teacher |
Team Member |
2nd Grade |
Shelley Tuney |
1st Grade Teacher |
Team Member |
1st Grade |
Shannon Williams |
K Teacher |
Team Member |
Kindergarten |
Janet Murray |
K TA |
Team Member |
TAs |
Katie Causey |
EC Teacher |
Team Member |
EC |
Jeanne Hovis |
Social Worker |
Team Member |
Leadership Team |
Are any groups of staff members not represented by someone on the team? If so, why not? No
Behavior Leadership Team Guidelines
MTSS/PBIS training |
How do team members receive ongoing training in multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) and positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) practices? |
BOY PD Grade Level PLCs MTSS Monthly Team Meetings PD Days |
Team members’ terms |
When do staff rotate off the team? How long is the term of service (e.g., 1-, 2-, or 3-year term)? |
Yearly |
Compensation |
Are team members compensated for time spent serving on the team? If so, how? |
No |
Team meeting schedule |
How often does the team meet (1x/week, 2x/month, etc.)? What are the dates? How long are the meetings? |
Behavior Committee: 1x/month Behavior Support Team: 1x/quarter |
Team meeting place |
Where does the team meet? Does this area need to be reserved? |
Library/Conference Room |
Team meeting ground rules |
What are the ground rules for team meetings? |
Start and End on Time Participate It is ok to disagree Identify roles: Timekeeper- Read Facilitator- Rotating Basis Notetaker- |
Absences |
How do team members who miss meetings catch up? Do all team members have a backup person who can attend meetings for them? |
Agenda is shared with all members and staff. Backup person is recommended, but not required, since all staff receive the minutes. |
Team meeting agenda and minutes |
How do we capture our work during our meetings? Do we take minutes? |
We use an agenda to help facilitate meetings as well as take minutes. |
Schoolwide Behavior Plan (SBP) |
Who is in charge of archiving all work completed by the team? Where will the SBP binder be kept? |
The team Materials Manager will be in charge of keeping the SBP up to date. The SBP binder will be kept in the conference room. |
Improvement Priority Sequence
Year 1 (2022-2023)
Continuum of Consequences
Levels of Behavior
Develop Expectations for Excellence - school wide implementation including posters, shout-outs, OWL goals, Quarterly Recognition, etc.
School Counselor implements classroom lessons using Harmony Curriculum
Educators Handbook is Data Collection Tool
Staff/Student Shout Outs
SIT Behavior Committee is working on schoolwide core and tiered interventions
Year 2 (2023-2024)
Revise team members to match current staff structures for upcoming school year
Present Expectations of Excellence to all stakeholders
Continue and expand use of guidelines for success: OWL school-wide expectations - school wide implementation including posters, shout-outs, etc
School Counselor SEL Lessons
Continue to collect data using Educators Handbook
Continue to analyze data and implement STOIC guidelines to areas of need
Track Staff/Student Shout Outs
SIT Behavior Committee continue working on schoolwide core and tiered interventions (new matrix shared by district and reviewed in first committee meeting of the year)
Implement SEL coaching suggestions
Year 3 (2024-2025)
Revise team members to match current staff structures for upcoming school year
Continue the work from years 1 and 2 (add to or revise)
Use data to inform areas for improvement
Gather data about implementation
Are staff using schoolwide and classroom procedures
Are the strategies working to reduce misbehavior
Quarterly Review Calendar Plan - Fill in Later by team with Admin
Year 1
September 1
Teach OWL Expectations
Teach Morning Meeting Expectations
Determine classroom community goals
Hold grade-level administrative expectation meetings
October (end of first 4 weeks)
Conduct and analyze common area observations
Assess classroom community goals
Audit morning meetings to collect data
Introduce tools for regulation stations
Work with behavior committee to identify school improvement priorities
Work with PTA for incentives for positive behaviors
January (at or near the end of the second quarter)
Present Expectations of Excellence to staff
Review Educator’s Handbook data
Reteach behavior expectations with OWL Posters after returning from Winter break.
Hold Grade level administrative expectation meetings
March (near the end of the third quarter)
Reviewing Tier 2/Tier 3 Interventions
May (near the end of the fourth quarter)
Data analysis of Educators Handbook
Survey behavior committee to gather input for future committee work
Year 2
September 1
Review processes and procedures with newly-formed Behavior committee (some new team members and some returning team members)
Review Expectations for Excellence with students and parents
Print school-wide visuals for common areas
Analyze first quarter data to inform areas of need
Review classroom management procedures by grade level
Conduct and analyze common area observations
Work with committee to confirm or change current improvement priorities
Conduct climate and safety survey; use data to plan future committee tasks
January (at or near the end of the second quarter)
Begin second quarterly review
Analyze second quarter data to inform areas of need
Should we add, modify or eliminate and improvement priorities
March (near the end of the third quarter)
Begin third quarterly review
Analyze third quarter data to inform areas of need
Should we add, modify or eliminate and improvement priorities
May (near the end of the fourth quarter)
Data analysis of Educators Handbook
Survey behavior committee to gather input for future committee work
Safety Policies and Procedures:
The School Risk Management Plan for College Park is being revised on the required platform. All safety policies and procedures are documented in the risk management plan.
Common Area Policies and Schoolwide Policies
Assemblies -
Goal: All staff and students will be able to enter and exit the Multi-purpose room safely. All staff and students will be mindful and respectful listeners to the presenter. Teachers will review expectations before entering assembly. Teachers/staff will direct students to the appropriate area and assist with seating. Students are expected to be at a voice level O for arrival to assemblies.
Before and After School -
Goal: Students will enter and dismiss the school safely. Teachers are stationed throughout the building to ensure students are following safety expectations and reviewing expectations with students. Teachers are assigned to escort students to either van, car, or bus areas. Additionally, staff keep 2nd route bus riders in classroom until called to cafeteria. All dismissal procedures are prompted via PA system.
Goal: Students will respectfully and safely ride the bus to and from school. Expectations are taught through a bus safety video as well as bus drivers reviewing rules. Teachers are assigned bus duty to make sure students follow expectations and return home safely.
Goal: Students will be safe and respectful while eating their meals
Classroom teachers and supervising staff members will ensure expectations are taught and reinforced throughout the year
Common and Outside Areas -
Students do not utilize outside areas with the exception of the playground.
Guest Teachers
Goal: Students will be respectful to visiting teachers and follow their expectations.
The guest teacher, regular classroom teacher and other support staff will ensure expectations are taught and reinforced.
Hallways, Passing Periods
Goal: Students will walk through the hallways safely and quietly respecting the learning going on in other classrooms. Teachers will teach expectations and review when necessary.
Goal: Students will maintain safety on the playground.
Classroom teachers and support staff will teach expectations and reinforce throughout the year
Goal: Students will be able to enter and exit safely, while maintaining sanitary and privacy expectations
Anti Bullying Policy
Goal: Prevent/Report all forms of bullying to ensure all students feel safe each day.
If bullying is suspected the staff member will immediately bring it to administrators attention. District policy will be followed. Ethix360 is utilized for reporting, investigating and collecting data.
Attendance Policy
Analyze attendance data and review your attendance policy: Document attendance policies, expectations for student attendance, and ways to encourage regular attendance.
Goal: All students will be present unless they have an excused absence.
Exemplary attendance awards
Letters are sent home after 3, 6, and 10 unexcused absences
Teachers contact parents after 3 days of absences - refers to school social worker
Students are discussed with FIT Team
Tardy letters are sent home
Attendance contracts are written for student with chronic absences/tardies
Student attendance incentives for chronic absenteeism
Personal Electronics Policy: WPES will follow the NHCS Technology Responsible Use Policy.
Lesson Plans for Teaching Common Area and Schoolwide Policy Expectations: .
Cafeteria |
Bathrooms |
Recess areas |
Auditorium |
Hallway |
Media Center |
Stairwell |
Job Descriptions for Supervisors
Area of School |
Job Description |
Cafeteria |
Playground |
AM/PM transportation duties |
Hallway |
Discipline Policy and Procedures - Levels/Continuum of consequences
Three levels of misbehavior:
Interventions – Including warnings, student conferences, parent phone call, change of seat or other documented intervention
Minor incidents (classroom managed behaviors) – documented in Educator’s Handbook
Major incidents (office managed behaviors) - documented in Educator's Handbook
Menus of corrections: currently being developed by committee
Report forms: Educators Handbook
Front office procedures:
Teacher Responsibilities
Review the Expectations for Excellence Flowchart for discipline
Determine the level of severity of the infraction (major or minor)
If major, determine if the infraction constitutes a crisis or not a crisis
Follow guidelines on matrix – including parent contact
Administrative Responsibilities
Respond to major infractions immediately or ASAP as situation dictates
Respond to minor infractions in a timely manner
Complete investigation using established protocols
Determine consequences
Contact Parent
Document the results in Educators Handbook and follow up with referring staff if needed
Guidelines for Disagreeing With Others:
Tier 1:
Reflect on the situation and each person's roles in it before contacting the other person involved
Meet with the other person involved during non-instructional time
Engage in a discussion that is not accusatory and is geared toward problem solving
Tier 2:
If one or more parties involved does not feel that the situation is resolved after meeting at tier 1, put concerns into writing (email) and request mediation involving admin with all parties involved
Tier 3:
Ethics 360 report by involved parties
Adopted Approach to Classroom Management: Use the STOIC guidelines for success to help you complete the template.
Structure your classroom for success
Teach your expectations
Post expectations for major instructional activities
Reinforce your expectations in a variety of ways
Observe and monitor student behavior (data collection tool)
Physically circulate
Visually scan
Collect and analyze data
Interact positively
Positive relationships=positive classroom climate
Provide positive feedback; celebrate successes. structured reward systems
Maintain a 3:1 ratio of positive to corrective interactions
Correct misbehavior fluently
Get back to instruction as quickly and seamlessly as possible
Be calm, consistent, brief, and immediate
Statement of Staff Beliefs:
Relationships first!
Clear and explicit expectations are important
Behaviors are a way for students to communicate